There will be variations in individual temperature, pulse and respiration values. Take several baseline measurements when the horse is healthy, rested, and relaxed. Write them down and keep them within easy reach, perhaps with your first aid kit, so you have them to compare to in case of an emergency. Normal ranges for adult horses are:
- Pulse rate: 30-42 beats per minute.
- Respiratory rate: 12-20 breaths per minute.
- Rectal temperature: 99.5F to 101.5F. If the horse's temperature exceeds 102.5F contact your veterinarian immediately. Temperatures of over 103F. indicate a serious disorder.
- Capillary refill time (time it takes for color to return to gum tissue adjacent to teeth after pressing and releasing with your thumb): 2 seconds.
Other observations you should note: Skin pliability is tested by pinching or folding a flap of neck skin and releasing. It should immediately snap back into place. Failure to do so is evidence of dehydration. Color of the mucous membranes of gums, nostrils, conjunctiva (inner eye tissue), and inner lips of vulva should be pink. Bright red, pale pink to white, or bluish-purple coloring may indicate problems. Color, consistency, and volume of feces and urine should be typical of that individual's usual excretions. Straining or failure to excrete should be noted. Signs of distress, anxiety or discomfort. Lethargy, depression or a horse that's "off-feed." Presence or absence of gut sounds, Evidence of lameness such as head-bobbing, reluctance to move, odd stance, pain, unwillingness to rise. Bleeding, swelling, evidence of pain. Seizures, paralysis, or "tying up" (form of muscle cramps that ranges in severity from mild stiffness to life-threatening illness).